Saturday, August 18, 2012

Its here...

This is pretty old news if your a Tauranga local, but for those who didn't know there is a new indoor skate park being built in the Mt, in the old Mt Action Centre. Myself and a bunch of local riders have been helping out with the build for the last few days, this is going to be a very nice park indeed.
The ramps come from the old X-Air park course so it will definitely be a nice set-up, Mark Wright (X-Air Organiser) and his team have been in town for the last few days helping put the jigsaw back together, the X-Air park was usually set up in 3 days so thats a good sign.

Heres some pics of the build.

 Apparently you need 5 containers to transport a skate park, these 5 containers have been sitting in Wellington for the last 5 years, good to see the ramps being used again.

Heaps of locals turned up to help out, good to see them so keen. How come we can't get that many riders keen to come and dig some trails?

 Bit of an organized chaos right now, worst of its done though few more days should do it.

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